【同义词辨析】 2020-03-18 排列line-array

line: implies a setting in single file or parallel rows: ~ up prisoners for identification.   file纵队文件锉刀a line of people or things one behind another,如the soldiers were walking in single file战士们排成一列纵队前进   row行排a straight line of people or things,如they sat in the front row他们坐在前

align: stresses the bringing of points or parts that should be in a straight line into correct adjustment or into correspondence: ~ the front and rear wheels of an automobile.      correspond呼应stress the way in which dissimilar elements match, complement or answer to each other不同元素间相互匹配补充呼应,fulfillment seldom corresponds to anticipations实际结果很少能呼应期待)   (adjust调整suggests bringing into a close and exact correspondence or harmony as exists between the parts of a mechanism使呼应,如adjust the budget to allow for inflation调整预算应对通胀,如his eyes had adjusted to semi-darkness他的眼睛已适应半暗状态,如he adjusted his watch precisely表精准)

range: stresses orderly disposition, sometimes by aligning but often by separating into classes according to some plan: students ~d in groups by age and gender.

array: applies especially to a setting in battle order and therefore suggests readiness for action or use as well as ordered arrangement: a splendid collection of legal talent ~ed against the prosecution.   又如they arrayed themselves before the general他们在将军面前排列成队,如there is a vast array of literature on the topic关于这个题目的文献浩如烟海,如a bewildering array of choices多得令人眼花缭乱的选择

line排列排行: 指排成纵队行列,align对齐: 强调应处于直线的点调整成直线,range分组: 强调有序,多指分组,array排列: 指排成战斗队列,可立即使用

记忆方法: 1)首字母LARA想成左安(门)和右安(门)<==排列     ""是形声字,从刀,本义是"割分",是""的古字,表示"使成一行",好像是被刀切开的一样,如罗列行列队列;引申为"各个、某一类",如列强列传列国不在此列,作动词如列举列席,作量词如一列纵队一列火车     ""从手非声,本义是"推开推挤",<广雅>: "排,推也",如排山倒海排斥排挤排除,引申为"放置成行列",如安排排队排列排名排场

         2)排列的意思是使形成直线mean to arrange in a line or lines.